ImmuneBytes Audits Ekta Smart Contracts |Read Details

5 min readMay 9, 2022


ImmuneBytes is thrilled to announce the successful completion of the smart contract security audit for Ekta.

ImmuneBytes team has performed thorough testing of the project starting with analyzing the code design patterns in which we reviewed the smart contract architecture to ensure it is structured and safe use of third-party smart contracts and libraries.

The audit team at ImmuneBytes conducted a meticulous security audit which checked & ensured the following imperative points:

  • Risk identification and mitigation.
  • Efficient use of gas.
  • Use of best practices and principles.
  • Improved overall quality and structure of the code.
  • Token distribution and calculations as mentioned in the whitepaper.

The audit rigorously checked the smart contract for any signs of vulnerabilities like Re-entrancy, Timestamp Dependence, Gas Limit, Loops, DoS with Block Gas Limit, unchecked external calls, Unchecked math, Unsafe type inference, etc.

Audit Overview

Project Name: Ekta

Contracts Name: BridgeEthDev, BridgeBscDev, EktaManagerDev

Languages: Solidity(Smart contract)

Github commit/Smart Contract Address for audit: Null

Platforms and Tools: Remix IDE, Truffle, Truffle Team, Ganache, Solhint, VScode, Contract Library, Slither, SmartCheck

Audit Summary

The focus of the audit was to verify that the smart contract system is secure, resilient, and working according to its specifications. The primary goal throughout the audit process was:

  • Correctness
  • Readability
  • Sections of code with high complexity
  • Quantity and quality of test coverage

The code was audited by a team of independent auditors which includes:

  1. Testing the functionality of the Smart Contract to determine proper logic has been followed throughout.
  2. Analyzing the complexity of the code by thorough, manual review of the code, line-by-line.
  3. Deploying the code on testnet using multiple clients to run live tests.
  4. Analyzing failure preparations to check how the Smart Contract performs in case of bugs and vulnerabilities.
  5. Checking whether all the libraries used in the code are on the latest version.
  6. Analyzing the security of the on-chain data.

Our smart contract auditors split the issues according to the severity levels:

Admin/Owner Privileges can be misused either intentionally or unintentionally.

High severity issues will bring problems and should be fixed.

Medium severity issues could potentially bring problems and should eventually be fixed.

Low severity issues are minor details and warnings that can remain unfixed but would be better fixed at some point in the future.

The smart contract audit report with in-depth details about the contract code and its vulnerabilities can be found here: Initial Report

While conducting the audits of the Ekta smart contracts, it was observed that the contracts contain High, Medium, and Low severity issues. Our auditors suggest that High, Medium, and Low severity issues should be resolved by the developers. The recommendations given will improve the operations of the smart contract.

The final audit of the smart contract resulted in:

All the open issues were closed by the team and the contracts further contained no vulnerabilities.

The smart contract audit final report with in-depth details about the contract code and its vulnerabilities can be found here: Final Report

The Ekta team further approached us to audit their Staking dApp smart contracts. The details of which can be found below:

Audit Overview

Contracts Name: AirDrop.sol, Mintable.sol

Languages: Solidity(Smart contract)

Github commit/Smart Contract Address for audit: Null

Platforms and Tools: Remix IDE, Truffle, Truffle Team, Ganache, Solhint, VScode, Contract Library, Slither, SmartCheck

Audit Summary

The initial audit was conducted. And in our audit, we found that the smart contracts consisted of a few low severity issues.

The smart contract audit report with in-depth details about the contract code and its vulnerabilities can be found here: Initial Report

After the recommendations were implemented, we conducted a final audit of the smart contract to make sure that all open issues were closed.

The smart contract audit report with in-depth details about the contract code and its vulnerabilities can be found here: Final Report

About Ekta

Ekta’s vision is to create a world where blockchain technology is used to give everyone a chance to live a better life. A new ecosystem is needed, one where people from different backgrounds and socio-economic circumstances can participate freely, without the barriers and inefficiencies introduced by centralized governing bodies.

Ekta’s mission is to bridge the blockchain world with the world we live in and to create value in both. This is accomplished through various branches of the Ekta ecosystem, which include:

  • The tokenization of real-world assets through Ekta Chain and Ekta’s self-developed NFT Marketplace.
  • Ekta’s decentralized credit platform allows all users to participate.
  • Physical spaces such as the island chain are currently being developed in Indonesia, where physical land and real estate assets will be brought on the chain.
  • Ekta’s startup incubator and innovation center are open to retail investors.

About ImmuneBytes

ImmuneBytes is a blockchain security company, focused on providing comprehensive smart contract audit services. We help startups and enterprises safeguard their applications before they turn into expensive exploits. The company was founded with a distinct aim to foster security in the blockchain sphere and an enthusiasm to improve the performance of large-scale systems.

Blockchain technology has undoubtedly revolutionized many industries. However, Blockchain networks are secure, and applications running on them might not be. ImmuneBytes conducts rigorous smart contract audits, employing both static and dynamic methods, while also examining a contract’s code and gas optimization, leaving no bugs hidden.

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